Visiting aircraft (PPR) on 2025-03-12

PPR Form

- Please use all UPPERCASE characters for the SURNAME - SVP notez le NOM de Famille en MAJUSCULES - AUB ACHTERNAAM in HOOFDLETTERS
- Make sure you fully write the first name (Paul, not P.) - Notez le prénom complet du pilote (pas uniquement l'initiale du prénom!)
- Do not use special characters or your request will be rejected by the anti-spam - Ne pas utiliser de caractères spéciaux.

- The Airfield owner is required to communicate all items marked with '(tax)' to the Belgium Ministry of Finance (low distance passengers tax applicable as from 1/4/2022).

(tax) (same as in flight plan) - OOZZZ
(ICAO code = 4 characters) - e.g. PA18 or DR40
(ICAO code = 4 characters) - e.g. EBZZ
(tax) (yyyy-mm-dd)
(hh:mm) Local Time - Opening/closure times are published in AIP AD2.EBTX)
(tax) (SURNAME Name) - e.g. DUPONT Pierre
(tax) (crew members)
(tax) (non crew POB)
(tax) (ICAO code = 4 characters)
(tax) Private owner SURNAME+Name and full address
or Company owner details
as required by the Belgium Ministry of FInance
(resend the same data with Remarks = CANCEL to cancel a previous PPR)
- By clicking on Submit button, you explicitly agree to let the Royal Verviers Aviation process and store your personal data for the management of your PPR request.
Make sure that you got a confirmation message showing your flight details after clicking on Submit.